Services in productive operation
(Last Update 5/12/2024)
Technical specifications for each WS can be found in
Request Management Application (EDA)
1.1. Authentication of users in a third party information system oAuth 2.0
1.2. User authentication with one-time password confirmation oAuth2.0 - OTP
1.3. Authentication of Public Bodies’ employees using Public Administration Codes oAuth2.0.- PA
Provides User Authentication to a third-party information systems using TAXIS net credentials (passwords) and one-time code confirmation.
User Authentication Service using t TAXIS net credentials with one-time password confirmation (oAuth2.0 - OTP)
User Authentication Service (oAuth2.0.PA) for Public Bodies’ employees. (Special Authentication Service for the entry of Public Bodies’ employees into applications during their official duties.)
2. e- Administrative Fee |
Create e-deposit, retrieve structure and types of
e-Administrative Fee
Search/Hold on/ Return of e- Administrative Fee from Public Body
e- Administrative Fee Data for Public Bodies, e- Administrative Fee Statistics
3. Ministry of Finance, Tax Registry (Α.Α.Δ.Ε.) |
Tax Registry Information (A.A.D.E.)
Individuals details’ confirmation
Tax Registry Data for a citizen's residence (special purpose)
Public Finance Service Information (DOY)
Business and Branches Activity Code Number (KAD) Search
Activity Code Number Search
Information Retrieving (Only for special research funds account (ELKE) of universities)
Provision of Tax Identification Number at child’s birth (special purpose- used only from a certain Public Service)
Provision and deactivation of Tax Identification Number for asylum seekers
Provision of Tax Identification Number to land workers
Marital status data from Tax Registry Information
Details for solopreneur starting
Search of Tax Registry Information Postal Code with Greek Post Services (ELTA) Postal Code
Retrieve of geographic code from Tax Registry Information
Application for starting a solopreneur (special purpose - used only from a certain Public Service – General Commercial Registry)
Deactivation and suspension statement details of Tax Identification Number (for General Commercial Registry)
Information of pleasure boat charter license
Tax Registry details service for Tax Identification Number and Key Code provision application (only for AADE)
Service for Announcing and Receiving Changes to Individuals and Legal Entities from the AADE Tax Registry (for EFKA)
Search Annual Work Units (EME)
Service for receiving data on changes in the basic information of employers from the AADE Tax Registry (for EFKA)
Small Business Data from the Tax Registry
Receiving declarations of cessation of taxpayers and companies from the Tax Registry
Provision of Evidence of Rights / Residence of Foreign Residents
Λήψη στοιχείων από το Ε1
4. Tax Clearance Certification (AFE)
Providing and auditing Tax Clearance Certification from AADE
Providing Tax Clearance Certification for the needs of the Real Estate File
Committing/Releasing the Issue of tax Clearance Certificate
5. Transportation Vehicles |
Vehicle Owner Data (AADE)
Data for vehicle license (Ministry of Transportation)
Driving License Data (Ministry of Transportation)
Vehicle technical controls data - KTEO (Ministry of Transportation)
Traffic Fees data (AADE)
Finding vehicle insurance (Auxiliary Insurance Fund)
Vehicle data from Ministry of Transportations’ Information System (special purpose- only for
Vehicle condition and insurance data (AADE) (special purpose- only for
Vehicle data and owner’s profile for myAuto (AADE) procedure (special purpose-
Professional Vehicle data for digital M.M.E.
Details for Issuing Driving Licenses (Ministry of Transportation)
Data from the Driver Behavior Control System (Point System)
Driving License Suspension from Ministry of Transportations
Vehicle Immobilization and release Of Ownership Withholding
6. Properties from Property Registry & Leaseholdsαπό |
Basic Data from Property Registry
Search for information on rental properties
Data for Digital Property File from AADE
Registered owner and property information based on Property ID Number
Data retrieval from E9 for real estate rights
Data retrieval service from E9 to calculate the value of real estate (for OPEKA)
E9 data on rights and value of real estate
Data recovery for property value check and real estate rights for the Renovate-Rent program (DYPA ONLY)
Retrieving data from E2's statement
Real estate data based on Taxpayer ID and Energy Supply number
7. Incomes (from AADE) |
Level of Family Income- Scale
Fees Data for Non-Residents
Basic information retrieval of Tax Statement submission
Income data per capita
Business Data from E3
Business Data from E3 from the Information System of the Ministry of Development and Investments
Business Data from E3 for the digital (M.M.E.)
Farmers' income data
Tax Registry and Income data from other sources (special purpose- for Social Security Service (EFKA))
Customers' data from Credit Institutions (from AADE) (special purpose- only for KYC)
Cashier data
VAT statements data (for Ministry of Development and Investments)
Form N statements data (juridical persons) (for Ministry of Development and Investments)
Last five years income data for auditing authorities
History of Tax Audits (special purpose)
Details of Tax and Customs Debts (special purpose)
Data for Individuals income
Data from E3 for the Know Your Business Action
8. Services for benefits based on Income- (AADE)
Combination of services or combination of information from a Public Body or Public Bodies
Mountainous and disadvantaged (special purpose – used from a certain service)
Integration control service in the employment support mechanism “CO-OPERATION” (special purpose – used from a certain service)
Data provision service for "Tourism for all" program, control from AADE (special purpose – used from a certain service)
Service for evaluating applications for daycare centers (service provided from AADE to EETAA) (special purpose – used from a certain service)
Income and residence data for fuel subsidy
Tax Statement data for electricity subsidy - PowerPass (only for Ministry of Finance/ Information Society (KtP)).
Tax Statement data for financial assistance to the affected people from Natural Disasters
Tax Statement data for the actions of the Ministry of Development and Investment
Service for retrieving Tax Statement data for subsidizing purchases from the Supermarket - Market Pass (only for Information Society (KtP)).
Data retrieval service from the Tax Statement to support the Housing Assistance platform for uninsured seniors (only for OPEKA)
Retrieving IBAN for a specificVAT number (special purpose for the aid action)
9. Civil Registry- Registry records |
Retrieving certificate of registry records in pdf (special purpose– only for Ministry of Digital Governance)
Search for divorces in the Civil Registry platform (special purpose– only for Intangible Divorce)
Search of Registry Acts from the Civil Registry
Parents' data from the Male Registry platform (special purpose- only for Military services)
Retrieving Registry Records:
Specifically, Retrieving is provided for:
Marriage Certificate, for a specific period,
Death Registry, with various search criteria,
Birth Certificate, for a specific period,
Civil partnership certificate, for a specific period,
General Registry records (search for a specific period – only for HDIKA, AADE, EFKA)
10. Civil Registry - Certificates |
Civil Registry search service
Retrieve parametrical information from the Civil Registry service
Retrieving evidence of death from the Civil Registry service
Certificates of Demographic Civil Status
Retrieval of census records and submission of post-census application to the Civil Registry
Retrieving data for Open Data from Civil Registry service
Specifically, retrieving is provided for:
Data of the family and children status (minors and adults) of a citizen, regardless of family share,
Marital Status Certificate (only data),
Marital status certificate of the citizen based on the municipality code and the family share number,
losest relatives’ certificate, with personal information,
Closest relatives’ certificate (only data),
Number of Children,
Birth Certificate (only data),
Search for citizen and parent family shares,
Marital Status Certificate retrieving (only for Greek Police),
Retrieving data for Marital Status Certificate - searching with full name and year of birth (only for PSIDIPEK)
11. Hellenic Ministry for Citizen Protection - Data from Greek Police
ΙD Card data (New-Greek Police)
Passport data (Greek Police)
Provision of information on Mopeds (Greek Police)
European Citizens Certificates data
ID card data (special purpose)
Providing information about vehicle theft declaration (Greek Police)
Data retrieving service for special expatriate identity cards, from Albania, Turkey, and former Soviet Union Countries (for Social Security Service (EFKA)).
Prosecuting Documents Search service for the Greek Police
Service for extracting details of perpetrators-victims and of important reports from the Greek Police
Service for the provision of documents for the Certification of Permanent Residence for Citizens of EU
Details of prisoners and penitentiaries
Search Criminal Investigation Department Files
Retrieving Fingerprints from the National AFIS System
12. e-Governance in Social Insurance (IDIKA) |
Death certificate search service
Social Security Number (Data obtained from Ι.D.I.K.A.)
Child - parent Social Security Number confirmation (retrieving data from the Civil Registry and from the IDIKA)
Sick leaves service
Social Security Capability (for prescription)
Social Security Debts from IDIKA (pilot)
Foreigners' Temporary Social Security and Health Care Data Number (PAAYPA)
Social Security Number (AMKA) delivery service at childs' birth (special purpose - only for the Hellenic Ministry of the Interior)
Data retrieval service for Special Homogeneous Identity Cards (SID) of Albania, Turkey and former USSR (for EFKA)
13. Banks - Financial Institutions |
- Cross reference ΙΒΑΝ - Tax Identification Number
14. Public Employees' Data - User authorizations in information systems
Public Employees' Data and User authorizations’ services in information systems based on the Human Resources Register
Civil Servants' Employment data
Users' Authorization in Information Systems
Authorization and management of users in horizontal information systems of Public Administration
Interconnection of Public Servants Register Information System with EKDDA (National centre for public administration & local government)
Interconnection of Public Servants Register Information System-Electronic Prescription
Employment relationship data retrieval from Public Servants Registry information system
Employment relationship data retrieval from Public Servants Registry information system for educational purposes
Authorization and management of private sector users in Information Systems of the State
EKDDA education management
15. Public Employment Service (DYPA)
(Unemployment data from DYPA Public Employment Service)
Unemployment data from DYPA
Unemployment data for cards
Unemployed-student check (special purpose - used by a specific public body)
16. General Commercial Registry (GEMI)
(Data of a Legal Entity from the General Commercial Register (GEMI))
General Commercial Registry services for financial institutions
Basic information from the General Commercial Registry
Company Board Data
Checking of Tax Identification Number and GEMI Registry Number (Data confirmation from the General Commercial Registry)
Parameter data for General Commercial Registry
Searching for Company Establishment information in the One Stop Service (YMS)
Establishment of a Sole Proprietorship in the General Commercial Registry
Latest news on the changes of Limited Companies (S.A.) from the General Commercial Registry(only for AADE)
Service for receiving balance sheet data and financial statements from the General Commercial Registry
Information retrieval service for the Integrated Information System of POTHEN from the General Commercial Register (only for POTHEN)
17.Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance (ERGANI)
((Employee employment details (ERGANI information system))
Current employment status
Information on employment status
18. Communication registry |
Citizen communication registry
Individuals' Notification
Public Sector consent and notification service via authenticator
Text messaging service and notification sending
Update of National Notification Center (NNC)
19. Single Social Security Entity (EFKA) |
Employees’ previous service certification
Private sector employees' salaries & pensions (only for EGDIX)
Insurance awareness certificate from EFKA
Disability Certificate Data from (KEPA) Disability Certification Center
Employers' census - special purpose
Extract of Individual Insurance Account Statement
Maternity allowance service through the EFKA Electronic Application for Birth Declaration (only for IDIKA)
Disability CertificateData(KEPA) for granting exemption from vehicle registration fees (ONLY for AADE)
Details of the Last Submitted Analytical Periodic Statement by the Joint Venture employer (for AADE)
Information for pensioners from EFKA
Maternity Benefit Information Service (only for DYPA)
20. Public Property and National Endowments - Ministry of Finance |
- Interconnection with the Real Estate Registry of the Public Welfare Property Digital Services
- Data provision from the Information System "Digital Services of Public Property and National Endowments"
21. Greek Land registry |
e-Transfer-of-property service from the Greek Land Registry
Search for taxpayers data from the Greek Land Registry (only for the Ministry of Finance)
Submission of application and recovery of Certificates from National Land Registry Information System
Data and Interoperability with the National Land Registry Information System
22. Hellenic Ministry of Justice
(Data from Information System of Criminal record Service)
Criminal Record Service (all Public Bodies)
Data from the "Criminal Record" Information System (Ministry of Finance only)
Bailiffs' data
Data from the National Criminal Record Repository
23. Ministry of Immigration and Asylum
- Immigrant data (search for documents and passports).
24. Hellenic Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sportsπουργείο Παιδείας
Data of Schools and Departments
Check of Academic Qualification Status
Information service for I.E.K. trainees
Licenses of K.D.B.M., Colleges and I.E.K.
Service for obtaining data on degrees-titles from the University Institutions
Obtaining University Certificates from University Institutions
Service for the provision of student grade data
Information service for S.A.E.K. trainees
25. Hellenic Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports – ITYE "Diofantos"
Data of teachers of the school unit
Information about Educational Project Coordinators
Service for verifying the sufficient attendance of students in 1st Grade / 2nd Grade education
Service for verifying a child's attendance in a Public or Private Kindergarten
Digital diploma service (special purpose - used by a specific institution)
Service for the provision of data on Primary and Secondary education staff of the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sport [teaching, support staff, administrative staff]
Basic data service for schools and other units of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
School registration data service
Provision of student grade data
26. Technical Chamber of Greece T.E.E.)
(Membership register and electronic building identity information of the TEE)
Electronic Building Identity
Register of T.E.E. members (special purpose)
27. Ministry of Rural Development & Food
Calculation of the time of foreign agricultural workers
Industrial Cannabis Growers
Pet and Owner Data Service (Special Purpose)
Data on Outdoor trade activities
Data from the Beekeeping Register and Beekeeper Payments
Data of Payments for the Restructuring of Vineyards
Availability of Livestock Data from the Integrated Veterinary Information System of the Ministry of Rural Development & Food
Service for obtaining Data from the Register of Farmers and Agricultural Holdings (MAAE) of the Ministry of Rural Development & Food (for the Hellenic Development Bank)
28. Certification Revenue Services for the Government |
Revenue Certification Services for the Public Bodies
Revenue Reduction Certification Services for the Public Bodies
29. General Accounting Office of the State
TAXIS-7 Service Money Order Verification Service (Independent Public Revenue Authority- Directorate-General for Financial Services (special purpose - only for the Ministry of Finance))
glkGdoy Service Service for sending and receiving data from the Integrated Fiscal Policy information system to third-party Directorate-General for Financial Services of Central Government Bodies
30. KEP(Citizen Service Center) users and Consulates Management details
Roles and rights of KEP (Citizen Service Center) employees in Information Systems (special purpose)
Roles and rights of Consulate employees in Information Systems
Data recovery from the K.E.P. (Citizen Service Center )Employee Register
Roles and rights of ELAS (Greek Police) employees in Information Systems
31. Hellenic Ministry of Mercantile Marine and Island Policy |
Search for identity details of Coast Guard officers
Ship e-Register Service (special purpose)
Data of high-speed boat licences
32. Fire Brigate |
- Identity Search Service for Fire Brigade officials (from Fire Brigade)
33. Hellenic Ministry of Development |
- Registration and accumulation control service of minor aids and interconnection with the Information System for the Accumulation of Minor Aids by the Special Service of State Aids (for DYPA-Public Employment Service)
34. Electronic invoices |
Management of Electronic invoices
Provision of data of contracting authorities and control of e-invoice fields
Electronic Invoice Search Details - Interface with myData
35. Hellenic Ministry of National Defence |
Search for Military Personnel IDs (from the Hellenic Ministry of National Defence)
Retrieving changes in Military Status Certificates
Retrieving Data for Military Status Certificate
36. Single Payments Authority (EAP)
Sending Public Investment Program Fees from E.A.P. to e-PDE (special purpose)
Service for retrieving data of regular salaries from E.A.P. to EGDIX (special purpose)
Sending data to EAP on the payroll of the soldiers
Data from the Single Paying Authority for the Hellenic Court of Audit
37. DAYK (e-Individual Service Status Report) data
It provides the data sent to the Insurance Institutions (Equity and Auxiliary Funds).
eDAYK MTPY(Civil Servants Equity Fund) (special purpose)
eDAYK ETEAEP (Unified Supplementary Insurance Fund ) (special purpose)
38. Bar Association |
Data for Lawyers
- Lawyers' Data Service by the Plenary of the Bar Associations
39. Geographical and Geospatial data |
Geographical and Geospatial data of Public Bodies
- Service of geographical distribution of competence of Public Bodies
- Postal address normalization service
40. Geotechnical Chamber of Greece. |
Data for Veterinarians members of the Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEOT.EE)
- Information distribution service for Veterinarians members of the Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEOT.EE)
41. Register of Public Bodies and Greek State Services |
- Retrieving data for Public Bodies and Greek State Services
42. Data from Municipalities |
- Services for data exchange with Municipalities
43. Registry Identification Services |
- Register Identification Services for matching data from Basic Registers
44. Provision of information to Private Sector Bodies with the consent of the citizen |
- Data service from the GOV.GR platform to Private Sector Bodies (e.g. insurance companies, etc.) after the consent of the citizen
45. Presidency of the Government |
- Document entry service in the Information System for the Issuance of Presidential Decrees (issuance of digital presidential decrees)
46. Services from G.S.I.S.D.G. - special purpose |
Submit an application from and send it to a mailbox
Updating the Register of Beneficiaries of Exemption of Mobile Telephony Fees
Confirmation of Register data (special purpose)
MyPhoto File Download Service (Special Purpose)
SMS service (limited use)
Information on paying of funeral expenses for pensioners
State Aid Register Interoperability Service
Panic Button App
Create unique call codes for the Panic Button app
Service for making available the data of the Central Register of Beneficiaries to Public Bodies - liable persons
QR Code and Metadata API Management Service
Search and verification service for identification document number based on the number and type of document (special purpose)
Digital signature service for digital documents of public sector bodies, either with their own Digital Seal (if they have one) or with the seal of the General Secretariat Information System and Digital Governance
Interface with the Tobacco Products Traceability Register
POTHEN ESXES (wealth declaration)data
Family details geographically
Provision of the data of the Central Register of Beneficiaries
Identification of a Person in the Civil Registry through the Tax Registry
47 Internal Utilities G.S.I.S.D.G |
User data from UserName (special purpose)
Internal User Data (special purpose)
Mobile Phone Update (special purpose)
Digital Signature GSIS&DG (special purpose)
Download tracking records from an external service
Retrieving data service for a citizen's TAXISnet account
Details data of Public Employees